I’m recovering from a few hard events in the past six months and had been looking forward to the holidays as a magical time to properly rest and recharge. Except that the heavy emotions and challenging thoughts are still there, not shifting. So now a little panic is starting to rise in my chest that I’ll waste this precious quiet spell in rumination and nothing will feel better by January 6th. Reading your piece has given me some practical pointers of how to soothe my frazzled core and actually not fight the feelings - they’re there for a reason. Thank you for the words.

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Anna I’m so glad to know you feel soothed. And what you’re feeling is valid. You’re not alone, this time of year can bring up a lot. This time in the world is hard to cope with, especially for those of us who are sensitive. If you have also had hard events happen in your life, that’s a lot to deal with. You may need extra time and TLC to recover.

It IS a magical time, and you can infuse it with the magic you need. Please do rest and recharge, and do it as unapologetically as a bear in winter! 🐻

If you’re noticing a lot of looping thoughts, you could try creating something as a way to express them. I like journaling or drawing, for some it’s dancing or whittling 😊. We can get into a shutdown-burnout place where our body is depressed and our mind is anxious. When that happens, I find focusing on my breathing helps. Then tiny movements linked with breath. Like moving one finger at a time.

Self-compassion saved me when I was really struggling. It’s simple but not easy:

1. This suffering is temporary.

2. I’m not alone in feeling this way.

3. May I be kind to myself.

Nature helps me too!

Please keep me posted on how you’re doing. 🤗🤗🤗

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