Atypical Kids, Mindful Parents Blog
Mindfully Parenting Atypical Kids Podcast
Navigating Summer Camp With Neurodivergent Kids

Navigating Summer Camp With Neurodivergent Kids

Planning for day camp success with your neurodivergent kid!

I'm joined by Amy Weber, LCSW, to talk about practical steps you can take to sail through summer with less stress. Amy has been running a day camp for intense kids for 9 years through her interdisciplinary pediatric therapy practice in Brooklyn, New York: Speak, Learn, & Play.

Learn how to navigate summer day camp with neurodivergent kids in this insightful podcast episode. From mindful parenting to creating an inclusive environment, this episode covers it all. If you're a parent looking for tips on how to support your neurodivergent child at day camp and communicate with camp leadership, this episode is a must-listen! Mindfully parenting atypical kids has never been easier with these helpful tips.

Amy runs a camp for neurodivergent children every summer, so she has a unique perspective on the summer challenges of neurodiverse families. Amy also sees children for individual and group therapy sessions, and coaches parents too!

Here are a few tips we covered:

1. Know your kid. Do they have trouble with transitions?

2. Talk with camp directors.

3. Create a cheat-sheet on your kid. Share your expertise with counselors.

Partial disclosure is a great tool for summer camp advocacy. Here's a video of Dr. Stephen Shore explaining his 3-step process:

1. Recognize a challenge

2. Disclose the specific need

3. Ask for an accommodation

Discussion about this podcast

Atypical Kids, Mindful Parents Blog
Mindfully Parenting Atypical Kids Podcast
As parents of atypical kids, we are going to continue to lead challenging lives. Despite overwhelm, isolation and uncertainty, we can cultivate joyful moments, which will help us feel more connected, kind and present with our kids. Together, we can turn the tide of modern parenting towards a more inclusive, compassionate and collaborative approach.
Kate Lynch (she/her): parent to an amazing atypical kid, inclusive yoga teacher, mindful parenting mentor and author. She teaches calming tools to parents of intense kids.