I know of ND families who might describe screens as *necessary* for regulation. It sounds like. you haven't found that?

We have no TV but screens are still a huge, huge draw. They incentivize their own behaviour using screens. "If I do xyz, then can I watch that video?" Urgh!

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Yes, I do think my son uses screens to self-regulate. He also uses them to socialize. Also to self-soothe and numb out. We all do. I'm not proud of it but I'll own it. It's not something we feel like we can ban completely, so that makes it complicated.

The biggest concern I have is how he has shifted his life with us to fit in between screen time, rather than the other way around. He gets so sucked in, and as he gets older I'll have less influence. I would love to have more tools to support his screen health as he steps over the threshold to teenager. Oy!

I also want to raise a man who takes no for an answer sometimes, and doesn't push to negotiate every single thing. Does that make sense?

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Last point - Absolutely makes sense! Needs for respect, being seen, ease and integrity up, for me, in this.

And perhaps it's a particularly potent point for us women - a man who can take a no...

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