Atypical Kids, Mindful Parents Blog
Mindfully Parenting Atypical Kids Podcast
How Can Your Neurodiverse Family's Summer Be Fun and Chill?

How Can Your Neurodiverse Family's Summer Be Fun and Chill?

Your Neurodivergent Family = a Summer Filled With Fun and Relaxation

I’ve tested this method with many neurodiverse families with totally chill results!

Summer Prep For Maximum Chill! With Amy Weber, LCSW

Get support and strategies to co-create a fun, relaxed summer with your unique family.

This is an upcycled episode, so the workshop is over, but you can get all you need, INCLUDING FREE HANDOUTS AND UPDATED CALENDARS, HERE:

How My Family Is Prepping for a Summer Filled With Fun and Relaxation:

Call a family meeting. Grab some paper. Get curious.

1. Ask everyone, "⁠How do we want to FEEL this summer?⁠⁠" Write everything down.

2. Ask everyone, "How are we going to make these feelings happen?" Write everything down.

3. Make everyone's dreams come true. There are creative ways to do this!

4. Make it visible by posting a summer calendar.

I mentioned the book Burnout:

Amy Weber is the co-founder of Speak, Learn, & Play, an interdisciplinary pediatric therapy practice in Brooklyn, New York. She’s a clinical social worker, specializing in work with children and their families. Amy sees children for individual and group therapy sessions, and helps parents through

Discussion about this podcast

Atypical Kids, Mindful Parents Blog
Mindfully Parenting Atypical Kids Podcast
As parents of atypical kids, we are going to continue to lead challenging lives. Despite overwhelm, isolation and uncertainty, we can cultivate joyful moments, which will help us feel more connected, kind and present with our kids. Together, we can turn the tide of modern parenting towards a more inclusive, compassionate and collaborative approach.
Kate Lynch (she/her): parent to an amazing atypical kid, inclusive yoga teacher, mindful parenting mentor and author. She teaches calming tools to parents of intense kids.